About tools Week 7.2

About tools
Minggu ke-7


            A palette knife is a blunt tool used for mixing or applying paint, with a flexible steel blade. It is primarily used for mixing paint colors, paste, etc., or for marbling, decorative endpapers, etc. The "palette" in the name is a reference to an
artist's palette which is used for mixing oil paint and acrylic paints.
Art knives come primarily in two types:
 palette knife resembling a putty knife with a rounded tip, suited for mixing paints on the palette
painting knife with a pointed tip, lowered or "cranked" like a trowel, suited for painting on canvas.
       While palette knives are manufactured without sharpened cutting edges, with prolonged use they may become "sharpened" by the action of abrasive pigments such as earth colors.
Palette knives are also used in cooking, where their flexibility allows them to easily slide underneath pastries or other items. See frosting spatula.

Walk in freezer

Funcion to storing raw material like chicken, meat, seafood

How to clean it wiping with napkin

Measuring Cups

Tergolong menjadi measuring utensil karena berfungsi untuk mengukur namun yang diukur biasanya berupa cairan, baik itu pengental maupun cairan lainnya. Materialnya bisa dari stanless steel, kayu, dan plastik. Membersihkannya pun cukup dicuci dengan sabun dan dibilas air, jangan lupa dikeringkan agar tidak karat jika materinya berupa logam.


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