Daily Activity Week 02 day 03

Daily Activity 
Week 2
Day 3

   Good Evening, today we practical Oriental Buffet, and we get menu soup Ingen gamae dan Pho bho. We start at 08.00 Am in the nice morning and goof feeling. And we star to make Ingen gamae and after that make Pho bho. And we ready to sarve on tame at 10.00 Am because we must waiting all food ready and sarve at restaurant.

Ingen Gamae

Pho Bho

Condimen Soup

After that we priper for tomorrow and we get maincours menu like Konro Bakar, sambal tomat and acar.
Konro bakar yang sedang di masak

After all priper finish we cleaning and back to home at 18.00 like usually.


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